Colombia Check-MIG

Colombia Check-MIG

What Is The Colombia Check-MIG And How Does It Work?

Colombia is a famous holiday destination for many people because of its rich biodiversity and scenic attractions. Traveling to this country is relatively easy if you have all the required documents for entry.

One of the top things that you can use for traveling to this destination is the Colombia Check-MIG. If you want to know more about it, you’re in the right place. Here is everything you must know.

What Is The Colombia Check-MIG?

The Colombia Check-MIG is a travel health certificate that has been designed to make entering this country easier. It has been developed to reduce the impact of COVID-19. This is because the document allows government officials to pre-screen people entering Colombia.

All travelers above the age of 18 require Colombia Check-MIG to enter the country. This applies to Colombian citizens, foreigners, and residents from other cities of this nation. Failure to get this document can cause you to get into trouble with the authorities at the airport.

How Does The Colombia Check-MIG Work?

The Colombia Check-MIG allows travelers to enter the country once only. It is also valid for only one month from the issuance date. The officials use it to check your health status to ensure you do not pose the risk of COVID-19.

It also makes it easier for the authorities to contact you easily if you come close to a person who tested positive for the virus. The document minimizes the effects of the pandemic and allows easy entry into the country with minimum contact with other people.

What Do You  Need To Apply For The Colombia Check-MIG?

Applying for the Colombia Check-MIG is easy if you have the correct documents. Here are the top things you must have before getting this health certificate:

Flight Details

You cannot get your Colombia Check-MIG if you have not booked your tickets yet. This is because the form will require you to fill in the flight number and date. Remember that you can apply for this document only three days before traveling to the country.

So be sure to book your flight and enter the digits of your flight number. Remember to avoid adding letters to the form in this category because it increases the risk of an error with the Colombia Check Mig.

Personal Information

Personal information is necessary to fill the document for security reasons. You will have to include your name, nationality, birth country, passport details, and email address. It is also necessary to mention your city of origin when filling out the form.

Another thing you must ensure is that the details on the different documents must match. For instance, the city and state of origin on your passport should be the same as the one you entered in the form.

If the information does not match, the application may be rejected because of incorrect details.

Accommodation Details

Every applicant must also share their accommodation details when filling out the Colombia Check-MIG form. You should mention the correct address, whether it is a hotel or the house of a relative. This makes it easier for the officials to contact you in case of emergencies.

Besides that, you must also mention your contact details. If you’re getting a new number in Colombia, be sure to write that in the form instead of other details.

Travel Purpose

Of course, it is essential to disclose the travel purpose when visiting any country. This is because it will allow you to enter the destination with a certain status. For instance, you may be a Colombian citizen returning home after a long time.

You may also be a foreign official working at an embassy or other organization. Visa requirements also vary, depending on the travel purpose. If you’re a foreigner visiting the country for a short time, it is better to get a Type V visa.

Meanwhile, a Type M visa is better for foreigners wanting to stay in Colombia for a longer time. A Type R visa may also be required for citizens entering the country.

COVID-19 Certificate

A vaccination certificate is also necessary for applying for Colombia Check-MIG. The document will make it easier for approval. It will also help you enter the country easily.

Remember that children do not have to get the Colombia Check-MIG. However, you must add details of your kids to the form for an easier experience.

Do You Need A Visa For The Colombia Check-MIG?

Another thing that you may be required to enter Colombia along with the Check-MIG is a visa. This will mainly depend on the country you are coming from. If you’re traveling from a destination that does not require a visa for traveling to Colombia, you can enter the country with the Check-MIG only.

Meanwhile, if you’re a citizen of a country that does not fall under the visa-free category, you must get the other document to enter the country. This means you will be required to get a tourist visa and Colombia Check-MIG for entry.

How To Apply For The Colombia Check-MIG?

Applying for the Colombia Check-MIG is easy because of the online process. You can use a service provider such as Natvisa to fill out the form. Once you fill out the application and make the payment, you must wait for the application to process.

If your application is accepted, you will be emailed your Colombia Check-MIG before your traveling date. All the details will be sent by email for a contactless experience.

How Much Time Does It Take For Colombia Check-MIG Form To Process?

Typically, it can take 72 hours for the form to process completely. This is why it is recommended to fill in the application at least three days before your departure date.

However, you can also fill in the form at the airport before boarding your flight. You must apply for the document at least 60 minutes before your flight leaves for Colombia.

Final Words

This is everything you need to know about the Colombia Check-MIG. The document is required for all visitors entering the country. So you must get the certificate before traveling to Colombia.